World-class Paintball Maps
Play Skirmish Paintball Today!
No matter your level of paintball, we’ve got a paintball map for you. From dense forest (Domination) to huge shipping containers (Cargo), as well as three story buildings (Tippmann Castle). Our 700+ acres of paintball fields are sure to satisfy the paintballer in you. With over 50+ paintball maps we have something to please. We have open fields, dense woods, creeks, bridges, swamps, rhododendron trees, forts, villages, TWO CASTLES, cargo containers, tanks, airplanes, speedball arenas, and inflatable bunkers. Use our list to plan your next trip to Skirmish Paintball! We like to organize our maps by field type. Use the drop down menu to help with your selection.
700+ Acres of Paintball
Scroll down to see our 50+ maps with castles, cargo containers, airplanes, buildings, and more.
View the full map in detail of our entire 700+ acres of paintball fields!
- Free Gun Techs (when available)
- Free N2 Air Fills
- All Equipment Included
360° Map Views
Check out our interactive virtual map tours. The Controllable 360° experience brings these locations to life! Perfect for some recon before your next visit!
Tippmann City
Fast-Paced, Metropolitan Action
Tippmann City
Fast-Paced, Metropolitan Action
We advertise over 700+ acres of pristine woodsball nestled in the heart of the Pocono Mountains, and what map does everyone drive from NY & Philly to play? Tippmann City.Â
Being Skirmish’s most played map year after year, you’ll love running from building to building through alleyways without having to worry about $200 parking tickets, creepy Uber drivers, and unsolicited mixtapes!
Should I be worried?
Should I be worried?
I’m sure it’s no big deal, but there are two nuclear-equipped missiles sitting armed & ready to launch in the middle of a highly contested silo. Each team must battle for control of these weapons of mass destruction.
When the smoke clears, whichever side retains control of the silo will ultimately control the outcome of the war….
…no pressure!
As an added bonus, there’s a fort located adjacent to the silo. Overtake this first and maybe it will help you secure the silo!
Area 45
Mixed messages
Area 45
Mixed messages
Think squid game mixed with ring-around-the-rosie. Having trouble imagining that? Me too. Let’s just say you better hope your pockets are full of paint grenades instead of posie.
The official Skirmish-recommended strategy for this map is to split into 3 teams: 1 flanks right, 1 flanks left, and 1 plays decoy in the center. The outer ring offers some intense CQB (close-quarter) style play, but the map is a circle so shots can come from anywhere, so keep your wits about you!
Original Hyperpipe
Old ideas can be cool!
Original Hyperpipe
Old ideas can be cool!
The Skirmish classic has been reborn! Play on the original fast-paced & exhilarating Hyperpipe map today.
Tippmann Castle
The biggest castle in the paintball industry
Tippmann Castle
The biggest castle in the paintball industry
Big, bold and extremely popular! This is the most played, most famous paintball castle in the world. Tippmann Castle has three story towers, ramparts, catwalks, crazy angles, rooms, inner and outer castle walls, and an awesome siege tower. THIS MAP IS A MUST-PLAY!
The Alamo
Remember this one, boys!
The Alamo
Remember this one, boys!
The Alamo isn’t just an old story from history class, it’s also one of the oldest structured fields in the Paintball industry. Why don’t they add that to the text books?
While the original structure is no longer with us, we hired a specialist to recreate the building with a little more flair. Complete with arched doorways, latticed windows, and a cool bell you can use to annoy your teammates, you’ll love playing this map!
Never stop shooting!
Never stop shooting!
Gauntlet is a great little field. It’s extremely fast-paced, but has just enough cover to allow you to take a quick breather.
Play this field like you would an airball field… communicate with your teammates, watch the angles, and you should come out on top.
Empire Castle
The orcs... have paintball guns?
Empire Castle
The orcs... have paintball guns?
Just another castle at Skirmish. Are these guys preparing for something we don’t know about?
Anyway… Empire Castle at Skirmish Paintball is a like Tippmann Castle but with more of a labyrinth feel. When charging through the front doors, you’ll encounter a massive interior wall complete with two pillboxes. Maybe it’d be better to use the siege tower which gives you direct access to the second floor? Who knows!
Fort Skirmish
This town ain't big enough for the two of us!
Fort Skirmish
This town ain't big enough for the two of us!
This settlement-styled paintball map is perfect for fans of old western movies.
Hide in the saloon, climb the towers to defend your town, but don’t be upset if the round turns into an ol’ guns blarin’, horseback-mounted shootout in the streets!
For maximum effect, we recommend using this map to show off all your cheesy one liners.
Heart of Darkness
Not as scary as it sounds.
Heart of Darkness
Not as scary as it sounds.
Nothing says “Heart of Darkness” better than spray-painted smiley faces. Despite the map name, this field is full of fun, circular bunkers dispersed within the natural cover of the forest to give you the perfect mix of deep, wooded paintball and bunker-to-bunker combat!
Surely, you can't be serious
Surely, you can't be serious
I am, and don’t call me Shirley. Airfield is a Mad Max-styled classic map with downed airplanes, huge tractor tires, and guard towers all in close proximity to ensure increased adrenaline levels. If you stop shooting, the enemy will just keep advancing… keep that trigger finger close and your head down!
If it fits, it ships!
If it fits, it ships!
Sponsored by G.I. Sportz, this is one of the paintball industry’s most popular maps. Composed of over 10 full-sized, metal shipping containers with staircases, windows, and bunkers inside, Cargo is a structured maze created for the paintball adrenaline junkie.
Do people actually live here?
Do people actually live here?
Didn’t make it to the Olympic games? Neither did we…we were too busy building our own version of the city. Battle for control of the Eiffel Tower, clear the streets one building at a time, and become champions of Skirmish’s newest map.
Wooden Paradise
Wooden Paradise
Surrounded by rhododendrons, wooden pallets, and people shooting paintballs at you… what do you do next? Politely ask them to stop. If this doesn’t work, use necessary force (hint: 5Â grams @Â 280Â fps). This map is crawling with surprise and a strong sense of misdirection. Enjoy!
Visibility at 100% today, folks!
Visibility at 100% today, folks!
Cover just isn’t the same when you can see through it. Run from cage to cage and overcome the challenge of total transparency.
Circle City
No Squares Allowed
Circle City
No Squares Allowed
Designed with roundness in mind, this symmetry-biased geometric map is a classic. Circle city is designed to make the most of its curves, providing a rotating gradient of possible angles to shoot from, a full 360-degree view of conical bunkers, and an endless tangent of circular puns. Gosh, does it ever stop? Not on Circle City!
Crawl, duck, and cover
Crawl, duck, and cover
A classic Skirmish paintball field relatively unchanged since the heydays of the Tracer. This field is large and heavily wooded. One side of the field is thick with rhododendron where your only way through is to crawl or enter the maze of deer trails. The other side is open with big hemlock trees to hide behind and a few man made bunkers.
The Hood
Room-to-Room, Building-to-Building
The Hood
Room-to-Room, Building-to-Building
Skirmish Paintball’s first village and still popular. Two story buildings, old cars, big trees, and plenty of space. In the Hood, you’ll find yourself playing room to room one minute and long-balling it the next.
Above or Below? You Decide!
Above or Below? You Decide!
If you thought it was hard enough trying to keep track of your friends at the county fair, you’ll find this map especially challenging. Not only is there tall grass and hills to hide behind, but actual tunnels that run underground! The days of waiting for your friends to run from one bunker to the next are over.. they’ll appear and disappear right before your eyes!
Some crawling required
Some crawling required
Unlike Coyote Run, the rhododendrons make Fox one of the densest maps at Skirmish. While this map is definitely NOT designed for taller people, their vertically-challenged counterparts will have a blast crawling through the tunnels of leaves.
Draxxus Oil
Paintball with a Petroleum-Product Twist
Draxxus Oil
Paintball with a Petroleum-Product Twist
What better map to play on than the one smack dab in the middle of the world’s spotlight, an oil field! Battle your way from one immense oil derrick to the other in this fast-paced, industrialized Skirmish map that will leave you wondering whether moving towards renewable energy is worth giving up all of our awesome places to play paintball. After all, “Draxxus Wind Turbines” just doesn’t have the same ring to it.
UPDATE: We have now added the gas-guzzling helicopter from our old field “Black Hawk Down.” Check out our new angles and field design!!
Bridges, Houses, and More!
Bridges, Houses, and More!
Popular during recreational play and during Skirmish scenario games, this field has multiple bridges over flowing creeks, shacks that remind us of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, and a lot of wooded land to strategically move your team around the enemy.
Don't Run, Turn Around and Fight!
Don't Run, Turn Around and Fight!
Imagine breaking out of prison, running from tree to tree all the while pondering how long you’re going to make it before you get caught. Jailbreak is kind of like that, but you’re equipped with a paintball gun and all the guards are your friends! Doesn’t that sound way more fun?
Not the movie, the noun
Not the movie, the noun
Unfortunately, no one can be told what Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. You won’t be bending time or traveling through separate realities, but you will be running through bunkers that (very) loosely resemble the scrolling text displayed in the movie made famous by the Wachowski brothers.
This map is very similar to cages, but on a smaller, faster-paced scale!
This map rocks.
This map rocks.
This paintball field is perfect for classic king-of-the-hill style games. With rock foxholes and bunkers, this field is designed for the patient sniper. Make sure you look twice before making your move.
No Gorillas, but Plenty of Trees
No Gorillas, but Plenty of Trees
Named after its African counterpart, Congo is a densely wooded map that has a variety of natural cover. Between Rhododendrons, Hemlock trees, and rock bunkers, you’ll always be able to find a place to hide.
Don't Go Out There Alone
Don't Go Out There Alone
While not nearly as vicious as the Australian version, Pennsylvania still has its fair share of extreme wildlife. Butterflies, deer, groundhogs, and swallows are nothing to joke about. I mean, what kind of an animal smells with its feet?! Anyways… you’ll love the many dirt walls made from uprooted trees on this map!
Missile Silo
Wait... is this thing on?
Missile Silo
Wait... is this thing on?
Missile Silo was built and designed by our crazy grounds keeper Mr. Gould. The center flag is the missile on this field and it plays a role in the Invasion of Normandy as well as in several airsoft games. If you’re out by the hood or the pentagon tell your ref you want to change it up a bit and give it a go.
UPDATE: After Hurricane Sandy, several huge trees became uprooted to create some awesome bunkers for the taller players to hide behind!
Untouched woods
Untouched woods
If all this talk of castle, cargo containers, missile silos and human activity is overwhelming, Skirmish has just the thing. For our purists out there, Brookside is a map covered in nothing but nature. Tall Oak trees, pine saplings, thick underbrush with grass trails through natural clearings; this is for the paintball enthusiast that enjoys the irony of showing off his ghillie suit to others or thrives on the thought of an ambush.
King of the Hill
A map we're all familiar with!
King of the Hill
A map we're all familiar with!
The fight for the hill is on, simply navigate the pipes, shoot from behind the tank traps, capture the flag, and don’t let go of it!
Hide in the Cover of Darkness
Hide in the Cover of Darkness
Careful here… these partially uprooted trees provide an incredibly attractive crevasse of darkness, perfectly suited to hide anything that waits within.
A True Flock of Boxes
A True Flock of Boxes
This field has more boxes than you would have been able to count by the end of Elementary School. How many is that, you ask? ………….a lot… Don’t worry about that. Just know that there are boxes as far as the eye can see, right in the middle of the open woodlands.
Epic woodsball
Epic woodsball
We don’t get many cyclones out here in the Pocono Mountains, but if we did, all of our maps would look like this one. Cyclone is unique in that it’s combination of downed trees and newly sprouted life create beautiful, natural cover only found in the sets of fantasy movies.
Turkey Hollow
Gobble Up the Competition
Turkey Hollow
Gobble Up the Competition
Wide open spaces, lots of room to move, and sparse bunkers scattered among an exceptionally silent patch of woods. This map reminds me of the kind of place the headless horseman comes to get away from all the confounded attention he gets from the kids.
Sherwood Forest
Listen for the footsteps!
Sherwood Forest
Listen for the footsteps!
Similar to the huge forest in England made popular by the Legend of Robin Hood, this area has been wooded since the end of the Ice Age (according to Wikipedia). Lots of ferns, downed trees, patches of light surrounded by swaths of darkness; Sherwood forest has it all!
They'll Come From the Trees
They'll Come From the Trees
With a flowing stream dividing this map in half, you’ll be waiting anxiously in the forward bunkers for the enemy to make their way across. Don’t get too comfortable though, there are enough woods here to conceal the most vividly dressed opponent.
Walk Softly, and Carry a Tippmann
Walk Softly, and Carry a Tippmann
The ground is soft here, perfect for sneaking. Sneak up on your friends before they do it to you!
hey hey hey!
hey hey hey!
Claustrophobic players find a different map! Renegade is  perfect for those that like crawling through tangled rhododendrons, creeping over streams via downed trees, and shuffling under scraggly pine trees. You never know what you’ll find around that pile of leaves.
where darkness lays
where darkness lays
Shrouded in mystery, you’ll find yourself asking “Where am I?” on a regular basis. The trees are knotted, the ground is sparse, and the thick forest canopy creates a dark atmosphere to this Skirmish Map.
Coyote Run
What's all this barking about?
Coyote Run
What's all this barking about?
Although there are few animals at Skirmish Paintball, Coyote Run is one of the few places you might actually see one. The open forest, filled with Oak trees and lack of underbrush creates solid visibility within the woods. You won’t have to worry about an enemy popping up right in front of you on this map!
Is this Spanish for... Wooded Map?
Is this Spanish for... Wooded Map?
Don’t let the name scare you, this map is very similar to coyote run and that name didn’t scare you off did it? Open woods, hemlock trees, and clear visibility are perfect for those that enjoy simplicity.
Take control, of everything.
Take control, of everything.
According to the internet, tyranny is a synonym for domination. This is perfect, because on this map a tyrant is what you have to be in order to beat the competition. There are upturned trees, tightly knit rhododendrons, and even a swamp that runs through the middle of it all. Come prepared with your war elephants, your chariots, and your cannons to take control of this thick, terrain-heavy battlefield!
The Edge
...The Edge of What?
The Edge
...The Edge of What?
The edge of your seat! This map is full of suspense… suspended leaves, suspended branches, and suspended students that decided to come play paintball instead of sitting in their rooms!
Last Man Standing
Last Man Standing
If your fear of feeling alone in the woods doesn’t eliminate you, your more mentally hardened friends will. Crawl from root masses to fern clusters in this especially ground-based map Skirmish has to offer.
Where the Ferns Are Greener
Where the Ferns Are Greener
Don’t let the name fool you, Farside isn’t that far away. It’s right by Outer Limits, Green Acres, and Mirage… Man, why are all these names based on vast, expansive regions? Nevermind any of that. Far Side is a beautiful deciduous forest with a completely fern-covered floor.
Good Luck
No Caption Needed
Good Luck
No Caption Needed
Lots of Rhododendrons, lots of forest, and lots of open space, Good Luck is an appropriately named field due to its chaotic nature. You never know where the battle will take place, and it will be different every time.
Green Acres
What is this thing?
Green Acres
What is this thing?
Who knows, but this is the place to be! Very similar to Far Side, this map has fields of ferns to sneak through and a ton of oak trees, some with strange deformities that are perfect to hide behind!
This Is Not a Let-Down
This Is Not a Let-Down
Now you see it, now you don’t. The enemy will appear and disappear among the knotted roots above the ground. Careful looking away, you might just lose track of the guy with a paintball gun.
Outer Limits
Don't Wander Off Here
Outer Limits
Don't Wander Off Here
On the edge of Skirmish’s 750+ acres, lays a field untouched by the average paintball player. Being able to sneak through the woods without making a sound is the key to victory on this map. With only the sounds of birds in the distance, silence is as much of your friend as it is your enemy.
Razor Back
Sharp senses required
Razor Back
Sharp senses required
The tool that this map is named after is exactly how sharp your senses will need to be in order to win. This dimly lit, half-dead patch of forest will creep you out and make it easy for your enemy to make their move, which means you can’t afford to miss a beat.
What Is Wrong With This Place?
What Is Wrong With This Place?
Guys… was all this stuff broken before or after you named this map? Anyways, there are plenty of downed trees, broken rocks, and shattered things to hide behind here!
It's Not Easy Being Green
It's Not Easy Being Green
Don’t worry, this field isn’t toxic to your bloodstream; It won’t coagulate your blood or make you nauseous, but it is incredibly green, like venom. Thick Beech Tree forests make it hard to see far distances and diffuse the sunlight to create a brightly lit environment.