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SkirMESH - Where Paintball and Video Games Meet

Skirmish has partnered with SkirMESH to bring paintball into the digital age!

SkirMESH is a wi-fi mesh network with RFID readers to track game action in real time and provide paintball players with Daily, Weekly, Monthly and even Yearly leaderboards! Skirmish is the ONLY paintball field using this technology. So come to Skirmish and play the future of paintball!

SkirMESH Dates

  • Every Saturday and most Sundays on the Tippmann Castle


  • There are three different SkirMESH game modes on the Tippmann Castle
    • 1. Domination with respawn
    • 2. Domination without respawn
    • 3.  Search and Destroy
  • The capture points or bombs depending on game mode are located on the first and second floor of the castle. Respawn points are located at your teams flag poles.
  • Points are scored for each interaction with the system and in domination mode for each minute that the point is controlled.
  • When you are shot out you can still follow the action live on the TV in the dead zone or from anywhere in the world via


  • SkirMesh utilizes RFID wristbands to track all your interactions with the System
  • We will give you a loaner wristband to use while playing or you can purchase your own to gain access to local and global leaderboards as well as in game encrypted team chat.
  • To trigger the box function, hold your wristband to the “S” on the box. The lights will blink and the box will beep to alert you of a successful scan.
  • In search and destroy mode you must keep your wristband on the “S” for 10 seconds to light the bomb fuse or to disarm the bombs.


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